Top rope climbing
Safety checks for climber
- double back closure points (touch them).
- harness above waist. can't go down when pushing.
- rope inside tie points.
- fist length gap, follow through 8 knot, fist length gap. fisherman knot.
Safety checks for belayer
- double back closure points (touch them).
- harness above waist. can't go down when pushing.
- carabiner connected to hard point.
- carabiner is locked (touch it).
- lock is on the opposite side of the belay hand.
- teeth at the bottom.
- rope and ATC on the basket.
- climber rope goes up.
- on belay?
- belay is on!
- climbing
- climb on!
- tension (or take) / slack
- tension
- got you!
- lowering!
- closure points
- tie points
- hard point
- basket