
How to pronounce pinyin characters?

c and z

c sounds like ts in cats/watson/robots. But in chinese it appears at the beginning of the word.

Example: smart / cōngming / 聪明

z sounds like dz in kids/adds. But in chinese it appears at the beginning of the word.

Example: early / zǎo / 早

ch, sh, and zh

ch sounds like ch in chirp but you stop at the 'r' sound. The tongue position is a bit further back.

Example: supermarket / chāoshì / 超市

sh sounds like sh in chirt but you stop at the 'r' sound. The tongue position is a bit further back.

Example: sleep / shuì / 睡

zh sounds like j in jerk but you stop at the 'r' sound. The tongue position is a bit further back.

Example: this / zhè / 这

x, q and j

Those don't exist in English so you'll have to learn new sounds.

x - try to make a "sh" sound while the tip of your tongue is down, below your lower front teeth. The middle of your tongue should rise to the roof of your mouth to make the sound.

Example: hi / xièxie / 谢谢

q - add a 't' sound to the front of the 'x'

x and q sounds very similar, just like sh and ch (both in english and chinese).

Example: before / Qián / 前

j - Say J but the tip of your tongue should be down behind your lower front teeth when making this sound, just as it is for the "x-" and "q-" sounds.

Example: between / Jiān / 间


Sounds like what you say when someone punch you in the stomach (:
