Text-Based Email

aerc main user interface

1. What is this page?

A step by step guide for setting up Gmail with a text-based email client called aerc.

2. Install

I didn't tested it but this guide should works on Mac and Windows as well.

cd ~/
git clone https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aerc
cd aerc
sudo make install

3. Configure

Run aerc

Running it for the first time will ask you a bunch of questions. Answer the following:
(tab and shift tab to move around, enter to pick option)

Configure incoming mail (IMAP)

Configure outgoing mail (SMTP)

There is one more thing you should do in order to make it work - you need to get a special password for this app from Google. After you get it, you should replace it in the configuration file ~/.config/aerc/accounts.conf

Follow the steps on this Googles page to generate that password. Google calls it App Password.

4. Run

Run aerc again

5. Basic Commands

6. HTML Email

HTML emails will show the html tags. To make things pretty use w3m browser. Do that by adding this line in aerc.conf: text/html=/usr/bin/w3m -T text/html -o display_link_number=1. Add it above this line: text/*=awk -f /usr/local/share/aerc/filters/plaintext.

Now whenever you open an HTML email, you won't see the html tags. Instead it will be rendered using w3m.

7. Don't break lines

Vim automaticaly wrap lines after 80 characters. This will cause the lines in your emails to be broken. Here is how to fix it.

mkdir -p .config/nvim/after/ftplugin
vim .config/nvim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim

Add this line to mail.vim: set formatoptions-=t

8. Google Contacts

How to find your contacts without opening the browser? Goobook.

9. Get Help