NameParentheticalCategoryPhaseChapter DescribedDescription
Use a common language(necessary for collaboration)
1A necessity for effective collaboration is a common language. Maps allow many people with different aptitudes (e.g. marketing, operations, finance and IT) to work together in order to create a common understanding. Collaboration without a common language is just noise before failure.
Challenge assumptions(speak up and question)
1Maps allow for assumptions to be visually exposed. You should encourage challenge to any map with a focus on creating a better map and a better understanding. Don’t be afraid of challenge, there is no place for ego if you want to learn.
Focus on high situational awareness(understand what is being considered)
1There is a reasonably strong correlation between awareness and performance, so focus on this. Try to understand the landscape that you are competing in and understand any proposals in terms of this. Look before you leap.
Know your users(e.g. customers, shareholders, regulators, staff)Development1When mapping a landscape then know who your users are e.g. customers, shareholders, regulators and staff.
Focus on user needsDevelopment1
An essential part of mapping is the anchor of user needs. Ideally you want to create an environment where your needs are achieved by meeting the needs of your users. Be mindful that these needs will evolve due to competition and in the uncharted space they are uncertain. Also, be aware that users may have different and competing needs and be prepared to balance the conflict.
Remove bias and duplicationDevelopment1
Use multiple maps to help you remove duplication and bias within an organisation. You will often find in any large organisation that there are people custom building what is a commodity or rebuilding something that exists elsewhere. Remember, that they’re not doing this because they’re daft but because of pre-existing inertia or the lack of any effective communication mechanism i.e. they simply don’t know it exists elsewhere. Be warned, the level of duplication within most organisations vastly exceeds any expectations that they might have and you’re often treading on the toes of someone’s pet project. Large distributed companies often talk about duplication in the single digits e.g. we have six enterprise content management systems. They tend to react in horror when it is “discovered” that they have hundreds or even “thousands”. People can get very defensive in this space and want to shut you down.
Use appropriate methods(e.g. agile vs lean vs six sigma)Development1
Try to avoid the tyranny of one. Understand that there is no magic solution and that you have to use multiple methods (e.g. agile or lean or six sigma) as appropriate. In any large system, multiple methods may be used at the same time. Be mindful of ego here, tribes can form with almost religious fervour about the righteousness of their method. Have fortitude, you’ll often find you’re arguing against all these tribes at the same time.
Use a systematic mechanism of learning(a bias towards data)Learning1The purpose of mapping is not just to create a map and a shared understanding but also to learn climatic patterns, doctrine and context specific play. Maps provide a systematic way of doing this as long as you collate, review and learn from them. Have a bias towards such learning and the use of data.
Think small(as in know the details)Operations1Know the details, use small teams and break large landscapes into small contracts. Don’t be chased away by fears of complexity of management.
Be transparent(a bias towards open)
Have a bias towards openness within your organisation. If you want to effectively learn about the landscape then you need to share your maps with others and allow them to add their wisdom and their challenge to the process. Building maps in secret in your organisations is a surefire way of having a future meeting where somebody points out the blindingly obvious thing you have missed.
Focus on the outcome not a contract(e.g. worth based development)Development2Try to focus on the outcome and what you’re trying to achieve. Realise that different types of contract will be needed e.g. outsourced or time and material based or worth based development. Along with a focus on outcomes, try and keep contracts constrained in terms of time and budget.
Be pragmatic(it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white so long as it catches mice)Development2
There will always be edge cases or a way to make something more perfect but if what you’re building could use a component that already exists then try to avoid the urge to re-invent it. If you’re a taxi company then investing your funds into making that perfect tyre will not help your business. Always challenge when you depart from using something that already exists. The old adage of “It doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice” is relevant here.
Use appropriate tools(e.g. mapping, financial models)Development2Getting startedYou’ll likely to use other tools alongside mapping when scenario planning and examining the viability of different points of attack. This can include financial models to my current favourite of business model canvas.
Think fast, inexpensive, restrained, and elegant(FIRE, formerly FIST)Development2Break large systems down into small components, use and re-use inexpensive components where possible, constrain budgets and time, build as simply and as elegantly as possible.
Use standards where appropriateDevelopment2If something is industrialised and if standards exist then try to use them. There’s always a temptation to build a better standard but avoid this or building abstraction layers on top of other “standards” unless you have an extremely compelling reason to do so. If you need a toaster, buy a toaster and don’t try building one from scratch.
Move fast
(an imperfect plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow)
Leading2The speed at which you move around the cycle is important. There is little point implementing FIRE like principles in developing a system if it takes you a year to make decision to act. An imperfect plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow.
Strategy is iterative not linear(fast reactive cycles)Leading2Understand that strategy is iterative. You need to adapt in fast cycles according to the changing environment. The best you can hope for is a direction, a constant process of learning and improvement of your gameplay along the way.
A bias towards action(learn by playing the game)Learning2Do not attempt to create the perfect map. Have a bias towards action because the landscape will change and you will discover more through action. You learn by playing the game.
Manage failureOperations2
In any system there is risk. Use the maps where possible to help you understand failure modes, what can go wrong and what will be impacted if a component fails. Try where possible to mitigate risks by distributing systems, by designing for failure and by the constant introduction of failure (use of chaos engines such as Netflix’s chaos monkey). Avoid known failure modes such as building large scale (death star) like efforts.
Manage inertia(e.g. existing practices, political capital, previous investment)Operations2At some point you will face inertia to change e.g. existing practice, political capital or previous investment. Try and understand the root cause. Ideally use a map to anticipate this before you encounter it and hence have prepared solutions & counter arguments. If possible, use the maps to enable people to discover their own inertia.
Effectiveness over efficiencyOperations2Whilst optimising flow is important, be careful not to waste valuable time making the ineffective more efficient. Understand the landscape and how it is changing before you attempt to optimise flow.
Think aptitude and attitudeStructure2Understand that people not only have aptitudes (e.g. finance, engineering, operations and marketing) but different attitudes (pioneer, settler and town planner). The mindsets are different.
Think small(as in teams, "two pizza")Structure2Know the details, use small teams and break large landscapes into small contracts. Don’t be chased away by fears of complexity of management.
Distribute power and decision makingStructure2Have a bias towards distributing power from the centre including yourself. Put power in the hands of those who are closest to the choices that need to be made.
Be the owner(take responsibility)Leading3Take responsibility for your environment, your actions within it and how you play the game. You could outsource this to a third party in the way a chess player could outsource their gameplay to another but you won’t learn and it is still you that loses.
Think big(inspire others, provide direction)Leading3Whilst the actions you take, the way that you organise and the focus on detail requires you to think small when it comes to inspiring others, providing direction and moral imperative then think big. Your purpose is not to defend the narrow pass of Thermopylae but instead to defeat the Persian army and save the Greek states.
Strategy is complex(there will be uncertainty)Leading3There will be uncertainty, emerging patterns and surprises along the way. That’s the very nature of competition due to the involvement of other actors. Embrace this, don’t fall for the temptation that you can plan the future. What matters is not the plan but the preparation and your ability to adapt.
Commit to the direction, be adaptive along the path
(crossing the river by feeling the stones)Leading3Once you’ve set a direction commit to it. There will often be hurdles and obstacles but don’t just simply abandon a direction because a single step is challenging. Try to find paths around the obstacles. If you’re building a system and a common component is not as expected then that can often prove a market opportunity.
Be humble(listen, be selfless, have fortitude)Leading3
Listen to others, be selfless, have fortitude and be humble. Inspire others by who you are and what you do. There are many ways to manipulate the landscape e.g. with marketing by persuading others that what is a commodity is somehow different or that a product is unique to them. But these manipulations come with a cost not just externally but internally. We can start to believe our own hype, our own infallibility and our “right” to the market. Avoid this arrogance at all costs.
A bias towards the new(be curious, take appropriate risks)Learning3Whatever you do will evolve. So have a bias towards the new, be curious and take appropriate risks. Be willing to experiment.
Optimise flow(remove bottlenecks)Operations3Within a map there will be many flows of capital — whether information, risk, social or financial. Try to optimise this and remove bottlenecks.
Do better with less(continual improvement)Operations3Have a bias towards continual improvement.
Set exceptional standards(great is just not good enough)Operations3Don’t settle for as good as or slightly better than competitors. Always strive for the very best that can be achieved.
Seek the bestStructure3
Try to find and grow the best people with the best aptitude and attitude for their roles. Invest in keeping them. Don’t force them into becoming something they’re not. It’s perfectly reasonable for a truly gifted systems tester who excels in a town planning world of massively complicated and automated systems to be paid more than the project manager. What you want to avoid is taking exceptional people out of their role and putting them into something they are not suited to simply because they think that is the only way to progress. Leadership, management and engineering are all aptitudes, they are all valuable and they have to work in concert. If the hierarchy of your organisation uniformly reflects your pay scales then you’re likely to be draining talent from where it should be and putting it into roles that it is not suited for. This is often done for arguments of “responsibility” or “managing bigger teams” (which also causes people to try and accumulate empires) or “spreading experience” or “career path” but there are alternative ways of achieving this. Taking a gifted engineer and turning them into a mediocre project manager is not wise. This is probably one of the most difficult areas as ego is quickly encountered.
Provide purpose, mastery, & autonomyStructure3Provide people with purpose (including a moral imperative and a scope) for action. Enable them to build mastery in their chosen area and give them the freedom (& autonomy) to act.
Exploit the landscapeLeading4Use the landscape to your advantage, there are often powerful force multipliers. You might decide not to take advantage of a competitor or a change in the market but that should be a conscious choice.
There is no core(everything is transient)Leading4Everything is transient, whatever you think is core to your company won’t be at some point in the future. The only things that are truly static are dead.
Listen to your ecosystems(acts as future sensing engines)Learning4
There are many different forms of ecosystems and ways to exploit them. You can build powerful sensing engines (e.g. the ILC model) for future change, sources of co-operation with others, defensive and offensive alliances. But ecosystems need management, they need tending as a gardener tends a garden — sometimes you allow them to grow wild, sometime you harvest, sometimes you help direct or constrain them. These are particular skills that you can develop but most important is the principle — listen to them.
Design for constant evolutionStructure4Create an organisational system which copes with the constant ebb and flow in the landscape. Ideally, changes should flow through your organisation without the need for constant restructuring. A cell based structure using a system of theft with pioneers, settlers and town planners is one such system.
There is no one culture(e.g. pioneers, settlers and town planners)Structure4
Understand that a company which plans for longevity needs to cope with not only the discovery of uncharted components but the use of the industrialised and the transition between these two extremes. You will need different attitudes. You will therefore create many cultures in your organisation e.g. pioneers, settlers and town planners have different cultures. This is not a negative and don’t try to grind everyone into a single bland culture. It will not make them happy.