Setup pass on your Android
1. Setup git
sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server
git init --bare ~/pass-repo
pass git init
pass git remote add origin ssh://oren@localhost:/home/oren/pass-repo
pass git push origin master --set-upstream
Explanation: these commands create a git repository that stores the encrypted passwords. The repository is located at ~/pass-repo
and is needed in order to allow your phone to pull and push passwords.
Line by line:
git init --bare ~/pass-repo
creates a folder with bare git repositorypass git init
creates git repo in ~/.password-store folderpass git remote add origin ssh://oren@localhost:/home/oren/pass-repo
add ~/pass-repo as remote so whenever you runpass git push origin master
~/pass-repo will have the commits you added to ~/password-storepass git push origin master --set-upstream
updates ~/pass-repo with the commits from ~/password-store. Passing--set-upstream
tells git that the local branch master tracks the remote branch origin/master, and so when you do git pull when master is checked out, it will automatically pull origin/master, and the same for when you do git push.
2. Generate a set of OpenSSH keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/msfjarvis/.ssh/id_rsa): pass_store
Explanation: this command create two files: pass_store and Those are SSH keys that allow your phone to authenticate with your laptop
3. Copy the public SSH key to authorized_keys
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Explanation: adding the public ssh key to the authorized_keys file will allow your phone (which will have the private key) to authenticate with your laptop
4. Setup your phone related stuff
- Enable USB Debugging on your phone (google for it. It depends on your Android)
- Connect a USB cable from your phone to your laptop
- Pick 'Transfer files' on the phone
5. Copy the private SSH key to your phone
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
adb push pass_store /sdcard/
adb shell chmod 644 /sdcard/pass_store
Explanation: adb push
copy the private SSH key to your phone. /sdcard/ on Android is a symlink to internal storage so you can push to it without needing to poke into /mnt
6. Use the SSH key in the Password Store app
- Open the Password Store app on your phone
- Click on the three dots at the top right -> Settings -> Import SSH key
- Click on the three dots at the top right -> Show internal storage -> Click on the three horizontal lines on the top left -> Click on your phones icon
- Find the pass_store file and click it. Notice the message: 'SSH file imported'
Remove the key from your phone
adb shell rm /sdcard/pass_store
7. Connect the Password Store app to the git repository on your laptop
- Open the Password Store app on your phone
- Click on the three dots at the top right -> Settings -> 'Edit git server settings'
Fill-in the server info:
Username: oren (my laptop's user)
Server URL: (my laptop's url)
Port: 22
Repo path: /home/oren/pass-repo (path to the bare repo)
Keep the Protocol (ssh) and Authentication Mode (ssh key) the same.
- Click 'SAVE'
- Click the left arrow at the top left
- Click on the three dots at the top right -> 'pull from remote'
8. Use the gpg key in the OpenKeychain app
gpg2 --export-secret-keys > secret.gpg
adb push secret.gpg /sdcard/
- Open the OpenKeychain app -> 'import key from file'. Choose the secret.gpg file.
- You can delete this file from your phone after it's being used by OpenKeychain.
Explanation: this is the same key that you use to convert your plaintext password to the encrypted data. You need to use it in the mobile app.
9. Change a setting of OpenKeychain
Settings -> Apps -> Permissions -> Other Permissions -> OpenKeychain -> Enable Display pop-up windows while running in the background
Explanation: without this settings the mobile app won't be able to show you the passwords.
10. Setup the mobile app
- Use to copy ~/.password-store to your phone
- Open the Password Store app
- Settings -> External repository - check it
- Select external repository - select the location of .password-store
- Settings -> Select OpenPGP provider -> OpenKeychain
Explanation: copy the .password-store folder is needed because I am having issues with the official git clone