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Examples of using Liberating Structures

1. Strategy retreat with a business or business unit

2. Introduce new team members

  1. Greetings with Mad Tea Party about home town, university, carrier and so on (10 min)
  2. Celebrity Interview of new member about their experiences (20 min)
  3. Wise Crowds for new member about their concerns (15 min)
  4. 1-2-4-All or 1-4-All to create the name of new team (15 min)

3. I want to spread innovation by scaling out and up.

Meeting that is broken down to the following: Nine Whys + Min Specs + Ecocycle + Panarchy

Details: clarify how your work is justified to the larger community (purpose) with Nine Whys and specify the must dos and must not dos with Min Specs. With the Ecocycle, clarify the status of your portfolio of activities and relationships at the level of your organization. Use Panarchy to clarify activities and relationships at all the other levels that affect your initiative and identify opportunities for actions.

4. Finding Everyday Solutions

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5. Noticing Patterns Together

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6. Drawing Out Prototypes

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7. Unleashing Local Action

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8. Spreading Innovation by Scaling Out and Up

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