Javascript CheatSheet
Based on this Tutorial.
Table of Contents
- Types
- Variables
- Numeric operators
- Control structures
- Objects
- Arrays
- Functions
- Closures
- Custom objects
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Object (Function, Array, Date, RegExp)
- undefined
- null
var num = 0.1;
var x = Math.sin(3.5);
var d = Math.PI * 3 * 2;
Convert string to int
parseInt("123", 10); // 123
Number("123"); // 123
Convert int to boolean
Boolean(234); // true
"hello".charAt(0); // "h"
"hello, world".replace("hello", "goodbye"); // "goodbye, world"
"hello".toUpperCase(); // "HELLO"
3 cases where we will get undefined:
1) forgetting to assign a variable.
var x;
2) access a key in a hash that doesn't exist.
var foo = {};
3) forgetting to pass a variable to a function
function foo(x) { console.log(x); }
Boolean(""); // false
Boolean(234); // true
var a;
var name = "simon";
Numeric Operators
+, -, *, / and %
var y = 2;
var x = (y * 5) / 3;
Control structures
if, while, &&, ||, ?, switch
var name = "kittens";
if (name === "puppies") {
name += "!";
} else if (name === "kittens") {
name += "!!";
} else {
name = "!" + name;
// name = kittens!!
while (true) {
// an infinite loop!
Check that o is truthy using &&
var name = o && o.getName();
Set default value using ||
var name = otherName || "default";
Use thhe ternary operator for conditional expressions:
var allowed = (age > 18) ? "yes" : "no";
Switch statement:
switch(action) {
case 'draw':
case 'eat':
var foo = {};
var person = {name: 'josh', age: 23};
// a is an array
var a = ["dog", "cat", "hen"];
// assigning a string into index 100 of our array
a[100] = "fox";
a.length; // 101
// add item to the end of the array
// print each element
A few functions of Arrays
Usage | What it does |
a.toString() | Returns a string with the toString() of each element separated by commas. |
a.toLocaleString() | Returns a string with the toLocaleStringring() of each element separated by commas. |
a.concat(item1[, item2[, …[, itemN]]]) | Returns a new array with the items added on to it. |
a.join(sep) | Converts thate array to a string - values delimited by the sep param |
a.pop() | Removes and returns the last item. |
a.push(item1, …, itemN) | Push adds one or more items to the end. |
a.reverse() | Reverse the array. |
a.shift() | Removes and returns the first item. |
a.slice(start, end) | Returns a sub-array. |
array.sort([cmpfn]) | Takes an optional comparison function. |
a.splice(start, delimitedelcount[, item1[, …[, itemN]]]) | Lets you modify an array by deleting a section and replacing it with more items. |
a.unshift([item]) | Prepe |
function add(x, y) {
var total = x + y;
return total;
var res = add(2,3);
function makeAdder(a) {
return function(b) {
return a + b;
x = makeAdder(5);
y = makeAdder(20);
x(6); // 11
y(7); // 27
What happens when you return a function from a function?
Everytime you call a function, JavaScript keeps a 'scope' object with the parameters you passed.
In the first example we pass 5. so the scope object is {a: 5}.
Since we asigned a function into x variable, x keeps a reference to that object so it's not being garbage collected.
Custom objects
function Person(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
Person.prototype.fullName = function() {
return this.first + ' ' + this.last;
Person.prototype.fullNameReversed = function() {
return this.last + ', ' + this.first;
// create new instance of Person object
s = new Person("Simon", "Willison");
s.firstNameCaps(); // TypeError on line 1: s.firstNameCaps is not a function
Person.prototype.firstNameCaps = function() {
return this.first.toUpperCase()
s.firstNameCaps(); // "SIMON"
Person.prototype is an object shared by all instances of Person. It forms part of a lookup chain (that has a special name, "prototype chain"): any time you attempt to access a property of Person that isn't set, JavaScript will check Person.prototype to see if that property exists there instead. As a result, anything assigned to Person.prototype becomes available to all instances of that constructor via the this object.