Double-Loop Learning

double loop learning

Double-loop learning is a way to increase innovation at a team or an orgaization. You can also apply it on your own processes or on your relationships. If you use double-loop learning, you will not only adapt to change but you will also be able to anticipate it.

What is a double-loop learning? At a high level it's a process that have 2 feedback loops: one for changing the process itself and another one for changing the mindset and goal of the process. By mindset I mean the assumptions that lead to the creation of this process. By goals I mean the objective/s of this process.

How to build a process with double-loop learning?

Let's skip the theory and jump into action.

  1. Write down existing or new process you are part of at work.
  2. Write down the input for this process.
  3. Write down the output for this process.
  4. Write down the first feedback loop.
  5. Write down the second feedback loop.


I'll add an example soon.